The year is 2799. Toxic fumes smother the planet. The survivors of The Great Toxic War congregate in the fields of Elysium, considering the future of mankind.

Earth as we knew it had changed, the lush, flourishing planet was now a toxic, barren wasteland. Human life was on the verge of extinct.

Back in 2797 dark green fumes began to enter our atmosphere, masking our view from the sun and bringing darkness down upon us. Plants began to wilt and animals and humans were becoming significantly sicker. This deadly gas was a silent killer, sneaking up on people, creeping down their skin, where it was all over before it had begun. I was the first victim in my town to this deadly gas. Suffocation and panic is all I remember as I jolted up in my bed convulsing and grasping for a breath of fresh air, but all I managed to get were the acidic fumes burning my throat. I felt my boyfriends cold touch against my skin as I bounced in and out of consciousness, unaware of my surroundings.

A repetitive pounding in my head and white, blinding lights are what I first saw when I finally regained the ability to force my eyes open. chattering all around and billions of eyes blinking and peering down on me overwhelmed me as I tried to adjust to my new surroundings. I soon discovered I was stuck to the bed, paralysed with only my eyes able to move, bulging out of my bed in disbelief

“It’s a miracle she’s even alive,


the authors voice and perspective they give

First person– Theres is the voice that the reader hears. The story is told through their eyes. The way this is accomplished is through the use of I

personal pronouns- I, me, you, she, her, him, he, they, them, we, us, you, it, mine, my, mine, our, ours, myself

third person- there are 3 types of third person point of view, omniscient, objective, limited

omniscient- this means all knowing. your narrator knows everything, past present and future. the story is not told through the experience of a character, rather by an all knowing god, looking down on the characters.

the advantage to having an all knowing narrator is that they are able to reveal information or discuss events that the characters do not know. this gives the reader a unique perspective of knowing more than the characters in the story.

objective- this is when the reader has no access to the thoughts of any character. the entire story is told through the things that happen and what is said.

the advantage of this style of point of view is that it forces the author to use show not tell. without the ability to describe what a character is thinking, the author must reveal that through the description of body language, expression or dialogue

limited- this is a style of point of view where the reader has access to a single characters thoughts. the author is able to tell the story through the experiences of one character. but they are also able to describe things the character might not be aware of

while this style has many similarities to first person point of view. this type of point of view allows the author greater freedom than in first person. if a story is told in third person limited, a little more information can be shared since all of the characters are being discussed as if they are being looked down upon by the reader, rather than seen through one characters eyes.


creates a much deeper connection and brings readers closer you, or the main character. it creates empathy and invests the reader.

this allows the reader to feel what the character is feeling. surprise and the sense of urgency, the fear.

use the 5 senses and rewrite sentences using show not tell

5 senses- taste, hear, smell, feel, see

The boy was sad- Sadness and despair washed over him as his eyes became glazed and two single tears streamed down his face. The tears, more constant now, streamed down, leaving dewy streaks painted across his miserable expression. Muffled noises and sniffles barely escape his mouth as the despair he is feeling has driven him into silence.

The dog wanted to go for a walk- My old dog Johnny stumbled to his feet, barely holding himself up. I could tell by his uneven, wheezy breathing that he was eager to leave the comforts of his bed and embark on an adventure into nearby forest, where the woody smells would invigorate his partially impaired senses. He was on his last leg of life, literally

When they embraced she could tell he had been smoking and was scared- The pungent, suffocating stench filled her lungs and closed up her airways as she embraced Jerry. He was not the same caring person she fell involve with, what has happened ? Fear and uncertainty fogs up her mind as she is trapped in the strong embrace, unable to escape.

The temperature fell and the ice reflected the sun- The last light of day retreats behind the snow covered mountains, in attempt to escape the approaching cold weather. The local peasants wrap up in their winter garments to try block out the bone chilling temperatures. As words are exchanged, the phrases are painted in the sky as frosty clouds.


they are important tools for creating variety and meaning in description

they are words used to describe a relationship between two or more things

they can be a spatial relationship (her bag was under the chair)

a time relationship (they arrived on Monday)

a manner in which something is done (they went by car)

prepositions allow the reader to navigate your scene. They help build connections between the things and the scene. they develop a 3D impression of your scene in the readers mind.

On the brilliant blue chair sat the girl, mind deep in the book. Above the girl, towers of books stacked up towards the sky. On and on the books continued into the distance, creating a magnificent world. Through the sky, the delicate pages ruffled in the wind as the words danced along the page.


The purpose of it is to enhance for effect. By over exaggerating you can imply the importance and significance of a certain thing

taste- scrumptious,

smell- crisp,

see- captivating,

hear- exquisite,

feel- luxurious,

I was glued to my bed, unable to lift my limbs from the irresistible comforts of my bed.

the magnificently snow capped mountains reached up past the stars and moon.

the green spongey moss caressed the feet of those who stepped on it and acted like a trampoline for kids to jump on

endless fields of vibrant indigo flowers cover the undulating terrain, stretching on forever

Big Ben reaches up towards god, waving and looking down upon the British people


5 words to personify things

table-long legs, strong, sturdy, stubborn, standing

headphones- sing, scream, speak, whisper, clammer

chair- strong, old, comforting, helpful

computer- intelligent, genius, helpful, companion

book- boring, thick, beefy, knowledgable, wise


the tree, cold and frail, longed and reached out for the warmth of the sun

The fog hugged its surroundings like a mother embracing her child

the mountains stood tall, watching down upon the world from above

the trees stepped aside to allow the visitors to walk through and experience the beauty

the old house shivers as the cold breeze rattles its bones


Metaphor –

Does not use like or as and links more directly by saying it is

Allows us to gain an understanding of a person or thing because of our knowledge of a shared trait

Simile- uses like or as, they are similar in some way

gain an understanding of a person or thing because of the knowledge of the shared trait.

life is like a hike, the climb is hard but the view at the top is worth it

death is like winter, as the cold comes the trees go bare

life is a map, you choose which path you go on

death is like a sparkler, it burns and fizzles but eventually goes out

life is like an onion, there are many layers and stages

home is like Antarctica, we have no heating

my room is like a dolls house, designed for a 6 year old

my house is like a palace and im Elsa

my brother is like a mosquito, annoying and doesn’t go away

my home is like a hotel, we always have unexpected visitors

the sun is like hope, there is always brightness in every day

the ocean

Creative writing

Jerry’s trial and new life in prison- prison adventures

who is your character and where is it happening?– My character is Jerry Lundeguarrd and this is happening in the district court in Brainard but afterwards he is transferred to the Minnesota correctional facility

what is your inciting incident and how do you get there? when Jerry’s illegal actions have caught up with him and the court has decided he is guilty

where do you cross the threshold? when Jerry enters the prison he is crossing the threshold

how does action rise? as Jerry enters prison and begins his new life, isolated with no-one

when does your main character get knocked down? Jerry is fresh meat in prison and at the correctional facility and some of the big boys beat him up in the shower rooms. he is put in an isolation room because is vulnerable

why does your character get back up? while in isolation he is left to ponder about what is happening on the outside. what his son is doing? where Gaear is? he is driven to get out of prison and devises a plan

what is a natural climax for your character? Jerry makes a break from prison, tricks the guards and flees the correctional facility, killing 2 guards on his escape

how will they ‘return home’? he’s back in town, he hunts down the orphanage that Scottie is at and kidnaps him

“After receiving the information here in front of me today, I hereby find Mr Lundeguarrd guilty and sentence him to 20 years in the Minnesota correctional facility”. The judge hits down the gavel, sending a silencing sound throughout the courtroom, creating an eerie presence all around

Essay points


The purpose of an intro is to state what your essay will cover, highlighting each of the body paragraphs. It also needs to introduce the topic of your essay, utilizing key words from the question. For a literature essay it needs to state the texts title and the creator of the text

The secret to a good introduction is T.A.K.O



Key words

Outline of points/ideas

The body paragraph

The purpose of the body paragraph is to expand on one of the points you brought up in your explantation

One paragraph = one point

sexy– statement: a sentence that writes what the paragraph will be about, Explain: further explanation what the statement means, example: provide an example that backs up your statement, Your opinion/why: the most important part of the paragraph

Y- What it needs- you have written a great statement, you have explained it well and provided an example to strengthen it. now the opinion… 1. directors and writers purpose, beyond the text and real world/intertextuality, linking back to the statement

link to another Coen brothers film because the techniques are universal e.g the ballad of buster Scruggs- watch this

conclusion– to summarise the info from the essay, it must cover: title of text/film, relate back and utilise the word from the question, restate what was in each of your body paragraphs, no new info is allowed.


the single most important thing to do with as essay is, make sure you are answering the question you have been asked, understanding the question is vital, need to be able to identify the key words in the question and the th connection of elements and the direction the question is pointing you.

the keywords tell you what you need to do and what you need to discuss in your essay, once you know the keywords you will know how to shape your essay, all questions have 2 parts.

question 1- analyse how one or more important events influenced a change in a character

analyse how language features were used to create a powerful emotional response in the audience

analyse how language features were used to show the positive and/or negative aspects of one or more characters

body paragraphs- The character of Jerry has an accent in the film that suggests he is a nice person.

The Coen brothers take advantage of close ups on Jerrys face to imply he is isolated.

The application of high angles on the main character Jerry flaunts his lack of power throughout the film.


marge has an affectionate accent in the film that demonstrates she is a friendly, amicable person.

The Coen brothers repeatedly shoot marge in a two shot with her husband Norm to display that she is a family orientated civilian

the Coen brothers apply the use of low angles to depict carls dominance and intimidation.

Analyse how characters were used to explore the concept of justice

Justice Wargrave

what would you do if you committed a crime or sin but the law just couldn’t touch you ? would the guilt inside of you eat you up ?or would you have no remorse and continue with your life as if nothing happened ? For the characters in Agatha Christies novel, ‘And then there were none’ they experienced this scenario as all of them were exposed by the justice fanatic Justice Wargrave where he punished them and served the justice where he felt necessary for their crimes. In this essay i am going to analyse how Justice Wargrave used the concept of justice by breaking it down into three key ideas. these three ideas are retributive justice, procedural justice, and distributive justice which all show a different aspect into the concept of justice and how it was applied in the novel.

Justice Wargrave was clearly a big fan of the idea of retributive justice and believed in the theory that “the best response to a crime is a punishment proportional to the offense, inflicted because the offender deserves the punishment”. This theory of justice believes in the idea that when an offender breaks the law, justice demands that he or she suffer in return, and indeed Wargrave made sure they all suffered. Even though he had never met any of the guests that he summoned to the island, he felt the need to bring justice to the crimes they committed by punishing them resulting in death. Each of these characters in some way or another were the reason another life ended therefore according to the concept of retributive justice, death was the correct punishment. The main form of justice that is brought upon the guests is retributive justice as none of the characters survive and make it off the island meaning Wargrave succeeded in punishing the guests.

procedural justice-

distributive justice-